
I’ve had the privilege of being interviewed on podcasts and featured in publications, all of which you can find on this page. I’ve also received honors that have included awards from the Cat Writers’ Association and a mention on a list of top cat behavior consultants.

Awards and Honors

My husband and I won Muse medallions and pins from the Cat Writers’ Association for the Cat Introductions Infographic we created. (All of our infographics can be found on the Infographics page of my website.)

In 2020 I won a certificate from the Cat Writers’ Association for my article titled “22 Ways Your Kitty Uses Cat Body Language to Communicate with You” (which was shortened on the certificate).

I was amazed and humbled to discover that I was mentioned on the Hepper Pet Blog as one of the top cat behavior consultants – which includes truly major players in the cat behavior consulting world, such as Pam Johnson Bennett and Jackson Galaxy!

