Group Workshops

Matt was a feral who used to hide in his hutch at our local cat shelter and hiss at anyone who came near him. Treats were the way to his heart and he finally found his forever adoptive home.

“The group format was great. I’ve never attended one like this, so it was a new, welcome experience.”

Join Allison Helps Cats for engaging online chats to discuss cat behavior. Share experiences, get tips, and ask questions about cat behavior and training. Connect with fellow cat lovers, gain insights, and discover effective strategies in a supportive and interactive environment. This is the perfect opportunity to deepen your understanding of your feline companions and learn practical solutions for common behavioral issues. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to connect with a community of cat enthusiasts and enhance your relationship with your beloved cats.

Your participation not only helps other cat parents find the guidance they need but also supports a local animal welfare cause. Let’s spread the love and understanding to every cat out there.

My group workshops include:

  • 50% of proceeds are donated to a cat owner in need or an animal welfare group that helps cats
  • One-hour small group session

Workshop Conditions

All attendees must agree to the following conditions:

  • Follow me on my website or one of my social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube)
  • Subscribe to my e-newsletter
  • Submit payment with registration
  • Allow for the event to be recorded

The event will be held only if the minimum number of attendees register. Refunds will be issued only if the event is cancelled.

The event will be recorded. If you register but are unable to attend, a link to the recording will be emailed to you.

“It was a relaxed conversation and group so I really liked the format.”


“Why should I hire you?”

As a certified behavior cat consultant and trainer, I work exclusively with cats, providing expert guidance for various behavior challenges. Whether you’re dealing with minor issues or seeking help with basic care, carrier usage, manners, or agility training, my one-hour call is tailored to address your specific needs. For more extensive assistance, my multi-session packages go beyond behavior plans, featuring multiple check-ins and collaboration with other cat behavior consultants to guarantee lasting results. Partner with me to nurture essential skills, strengthen bonds, and create a more fulfilling life with your feline companion.

“Do you guarantee your services?”

My chats use research-based methods, but each cat owner and cat will progress at their pace, depending on various factors. I do guarantee that after we’re finished working together, you’ll have a better understanding of your cat’s behavior, and you and your cat will have grown in your skills.

“What if at the end of the class, I’d like more support?”

You will have these options:

  • Free Educational Resources: I offer a variety of free educational resources in the form of newsletter, articles, graphics, and videos. Check them out at my Resources tab.
  • Free Classes: Check my Upcoming Events page to see if I am currently offering any free classes or workshops.
  • Other Paid Services: I offer classes and multi-session packages. Check them out at my Services Tab.